The hardest thing about any new effort, venture, return to the public eye – or whatever else you may want to call it – is undoubtedly maintaining that “momentum“.
When I first made the decision to join OF, Twitter, XHamster, several forums and everywhere else I’ve been active over the last 7 months… I honestly wondered if I’d enjoy the return and maintain the activity longer than a week. I’m happy to report I’ve loved every minute of it, all the new and classic-era fans I’ve been meeting, and currently have no plans to dial anything back. It’s been a blast so far. Momentum, my ass!

While I’ve enjoyed everything mentioned above, from the multiple podcast interviews, to SextPanther, to the forum conversations, to the upcoming adult site interviews I’ve been involved in… I have to say the most fun to be had has been on OnlyFans. And there’s no mystery (for me) anymore as to why it’s become such a popular cultural zeitgeist. I’ve been looking for an excuse to use that word for a while, so please indulge me. 🙂
So, yeah. I’ll interact with my fans anywhere they reach out, but I’ve especially enjoyed the new relationships I’ve built on the Vanessa Chase OnlyFans. I think my crew over there appreciate the fact I’ve kept the monthly subscription price low, don’t aggressively upsell the best content (like fans have told me so many other ladies do), and that if you send me a message it will result in an actual conversation as opposed to yet another push to get you to buy something extra.
Not my style, boys and girls. The extra income is helpful, but if I’m going to spend this much time on something outside of my regular job/life… you’d better believe I’m getting something else out of it too.

What have I learned about/from OnlyFans over the last 7 months? I can boil it down into a top 5:
1. 99.5% of the fans I’ve interacted with there have been complete gentlemen. I honestly did not expect that – and you rule.
2. While I’m sure they enjoy the nudity, I have had so many great conversations about music, movies, books… it’s been enriching.
3. I don’t hate the compliments or attention. OF has been a turn-on, frankly, and I wake up every day eager to check my messages.
4. My subscribers aren’t limited to men. And that’s been one of the best parts. 😉 Everyone is welcome.
5. It’s a lot of fun to take content requests.
Earlier today I had a look at my OnlyFans stats and was surprised how far it’s come in only 7 months. I guess this is what they mean by getting into the numbers where websites are concerned. Might as well break it down in case anyone’s wondering:
– 244 posts
– 200 brand new photos
– 33 brand new videos
Frankly, I’ve amazed even myself. That’s an average of about 35 posts a month. And here I was back in December 2021 wondering if I’d ever be able to really “get into it”. We can laugh about it now, I guess it’s safe to claim I’ve been putting in the work and maintaining that elusive momentum – and here’s to the next wonderful 213 days!
While we’re on the subject, some conversations on OF and Twitter have resulted in me doing custom content shoots with a fan directing their own specific fantasies which I’d lie if I said I haven’t enjoyed. Maybe I should build a separate page here on the website offering that service too? Let me know, but I have a feeling I’ll be getting around to it very soon.

And, if you haven’t noticed, I also recently decided to share slightly more naughty new content in my galleries and blog posts. Now that I’m in the groove, I don’t want to exclude anyone. If I’m lucky enough to have you as a Vanessa Chase fan, I want to bring some joy into your life, however I’m able.
Better wrap it up as I have plans for another new shoot tonight – if the OF thang sounds like as much fun to you as it’s been for me – please come join us! And if OF is outside of your budget in this crazy era of inflation, stay tuned to the blog where I’ll be sharing a small sample of the “good stuff” for the first time and going forward. Have a great weekend, everybody.
All the pics are good but that’s a beautiful ass. Legs, hips, ass…..all the curves are in perfect proportion. And the skin….so beautiful.
When someone googles “perfect female ass,” that picture should come up.
Thanks, Java. I appreciate the kind words.
How did you get even better looking in the last 30 years?
Aw, thanks Kris. A lady never minds hearing a compliment like that.
Hi Vanessa how are you ?
OMG this pic ^^
You re in my opinion one of the most beautiful asses on this earth (if I may say so) it still is…
But apart from your natural and unparalleled beauty, there is such a deep, sensitive and cultured person, I am really amazed every time I read your blog, you have a very intelligent vision of your journey and your reading (your blog) is really nice…
In Paris it is 40° degrees and with your recent photos I think the thermometer will give up the ghost… lol
Anyway, thank you for sharing your experience with us, it’s so enriching…
Vans from Paris
I remember your comment either here or somewhere else about how hard it was to find my DVDs in France. Was that you?
Hello Vanessa,
Yes it was me 🙂
And tomorrow 40°c in Paris again 🙁
I think I’m going to drink a swinmming pool before going outside lol
Hello Vanessa!
This is quite the coincidence. I happened to google you to see if you had any social media presence and found that you started this website a day after my birthday. Fun timing.
Anyhow, thanks for the part you played in preventing some potential bad decisions in high school/college that could have led to pregnancy with the wrong woman or STDs. You certainly helped keep my hormones in check!
Now you’ve inspired me to restart BJJ training. Martial arts clearly kept you in shape.
Congrats on your successful return. Be well!
Glad to know I helped in my own small way, Jake. Thanks for the comment!
Hi Vanessa,
Yesterday when I discovered your return I couldn’t believe it. It makes me really happy to see that you are living a happy, healthy life. It’s great too that you are celebrating now this whole journey you’ve gone through.
I was absolutely a big fan and have always thought about you and hoped for the best.
I will join your OF (not something I usually do), but I want to be a part of all you want to share including past memories, crazy stories, and hopes for the future. As you said, let’s spread some love around, the world certainly can use it.
Hi, Terry. That is such a sweet bunch of thoughts. Thank you for the comment and if you have any specific questions about those past memories I’m all ears. Glad to have you with us.
So many questions, but maybe OF is better for them? I signed up by the way. I would like to know if you have any good memories from your time filming for the late Alex DeRenzy up in Marin? I’m familiar with his famous house up here.
Hi, Terry. Thanks for the question. 30 years is a long time, and I don’t really remember working in Marin. You don’t need to be on my OF to ask questions, but I’ve definitely seen your email address there and I think it’s easy to send me photos there. Do you have any pics or DVD covers that might jostle my memory?
Hi Vanessa,
How are you?
I am the visual artist living in Paris and a fan for a very long time ^^…
I have so many questions to ask you about your practice of martial art, is it Kenjutsu or Kendo ?
What does it bring you on a daily basis?
Philosophically… i mean…
I am a lover of Japan in all its aspects and in particular ”Shodo” (Japanese calligraphy)
I would have liked to be in L.A to be able to paint or draw your portrait in digital painting or in Pastel ^^
Well ok, it’s less romantic than being on the “Quais de Seine” in Paris with brush and canvas but all the pictures are a bit overrated ^^
Thank you for sharing your photos in your blog, as well as your anecdotes, it’s always a pleasure to read you and see you, you have remained the same, it’s an awakening of grace and beauty.
How refreshing to find someone not cowering in shame from her adult video past. And the looks you get have also got to be “Wow, she’s attractive!” as much as “Is that who I think it is?”
I’m also a fan of your Gangbang Girl movie with Rebecca Lord. Will have to hook up the VCR to watch it.
You seem to be a cool person, Vanessa. Please stay that way.
Hi Vanessa, Ricardo here from Brazil. It’s good to see you again after all those years.From time to time I was search some news of you we don’t know nothing…
I got to know your work in 1995 when I rent the VHS of Gang Bang Girl 14. Holy shit, I fell in love with you, of your beathy and charming, still a classic.
You have a extra copy of the VHS or DVD to sell?
Love you.
Hi Vanessa, you’re still as beautiful as you were in the 90s!
Ouf ! ok ! I am starting aïkido !!
I found a school
Would you be my coach, dear ?
I don’t know what to expect … hopefully I will pursue …
Giev me a push
Bernie from Montréal
Hey, V. There’s at least one fresh vote for you over at, and some pretty flattering commentary, so don’t forget about us. Just to be clear, that’s one fresh vote *other than your own.*:) I’m most likely to see any response you might post there, rather than here, so there’s that. And I sincerely want to thank you for confirming that SOMEBODY profiled does indeed check in on us; up until tonight, I had trouble believing that! (Even if you *were* there to stuff the ballot box! 🙂 ) –D.
You are a beautiful woman. I’ve enjoyed your content. Have you ever considered doing a series of videos giving advice to us guys on sex? I’d love to see you do a video on things that you think some guys don’t know. You could do a cunnilingus video, a G Spot fingering video. You could do a dirty talk video. You could do a increasing stamina video. I’m getting an erection just thinking about waiting for you to give me permission to cum.
Or you can continue doing what you are doing which is great!
Would you consider filming a hardcore boy/girl scene? Specifically anal? That was a niche you filmed beautifully in the 90s, with Alex Sanders as your partner for some of them. I think it would be amazing to see that again. Especially if you had curly hair once again.