Hello everyone! The big move from California to a new state has gone well, and hopefully I’ll have more time to work on the site from now on. Momentum is a difficult thing to maintain, but I do love writing here and interacting with fans. That will never change.
I was recently sent an old image by one of you, which I hadn’t seen in a long time. Actually, maybe I’d never seen it. Regardless, I love it so much that I thought I’d share it here in a post, and use it as an opportunity to add a few other older pics to my Vanessa Chase Galleries. The Classic one in particular. What do you think?

Those velvet pants were comfy as hell, and I think I even remember the film we were promoting at the time. I really do love this photo though, and was happy to have it sent my way. If you think I have a huge vault full of my old material laying around – you’d be wrong. Keep them coming. Sending them to my Twitter account is probably the easiest way to share your favorites, and then there’s a good chance they’ll end up here.
Speaking of photos, it’s high time I added some new selections from my OnlyFans, so look forward to that in the near future. Since it’s been so long since I’ve worked on the galleries – it may be the very near future. Like, later tonight.
Love you all! Leave a comment if you’d like to say hello.
OMFG! Totally lost for words! Always enjoyed your work. Especially with Rebecca Lord. Absolutely adored you. So good to see you are well. Can’t wait to see more x
Thank you, JP. Rebecca and I frequently get mentioned in the same breath around here. I wonder why? 😉
Forgetting about the sex scenes you were in for a moment. They were incredible for sure! You are so pretty, I have been a fan of yours for years. If I could choose how my perfect woman would look it would be you. I would be happy to watch you doing laundry or anything else. I really hope your doing well!
Hi Vanessa,
I remember you from private movie 99. Watched it 20+ years ago. Seen bunch of other stuff since then, but that video with you engraved in my mind I think forever.
I wish you all the best! Cheers!