I’ve been getting a lot of questions about why I left the porn industry when my career’s momentum was snowballing. I doubt anyone will be surprised to hear me say, “it was complicated“. Porn without complication is as likely as a bus full of nuns going to Hooters (credit to my grandfather for that one). Regardless, these questions recently reminded me of a story worth sharing. Not every part of which I’m extremely proud.
Like mine, her star was already rising, but in 1997 Jenna Jameson starred in “Flashpoint”, which definitely increased her star power and helped solidify her as one of the greatest porn stars of all time. Well-deserved, and get well Jenna! We love you.
The story as it relates to me: I was originally cast as the lead in Flashpoint. And then suddenly decided to leave the industry. I basically flaked on the director and the production. For which I apologize to everyone involved. We even went as far as a photo shoot for the cover.
Who knows what would have happened if my course hadn’t changed… and I’d ended up wielding that famous axe on the cover of Flashpoint? But Jenna did the movie justice, understatement of the decade, and if I’d stayed cast… we’d have definitely had to rethink the red suspender usage on the boxcover.
Again, I apologize to Brad and everyone else whose time was wasted when I backed out. I was a kid, I wanted to exit stage left, but I know I left some people in the lurch. Truly sorry.
One of my favorite xxx flicks, and I can’t believe you were almost the star. Unreal. Thanks for sharing, Vanessa!
Hi, Slim. Lots more stories to come. Thank you for leaving a comment.
After reading this post I realized that currently with deepfake technology we could put Vanessa’s face on Jenna’s character, which would be weird I, I know. But in the near future I’m sure that it will be possible to do complete character replacements (face, body, voice)with anyone we choose. So who knows, one day Vanessa Chase may well be the star of Flashpoint.
What could have been. You were so lovely all dolled up like in those Hotel Sodom movies you would have been amazing in this role. Nothing against Jenna but she paled in comparison to you.
Thank you so much, Richard. Very kind of you to say. I don’t regret my decision to leave the industry when I did… but yes, you gotta wonder.