Hello everyone! The big move from California to a new state has gone well, and hopefully I’ll have more time to work on the site from now on. Momentum is a difficult thing to maintain, but I do love writing here and interacting with fans. That will never change.
I was recently sent an old image by one of you, which I hadn’t seen in a long time. Actually, maybe I’d never seen it. Regardless, I love it so much that I thought I’d share it here in a post, and use it as an opportunity to add a few other older pics to my Vanessa Chase Galleries. The Classic one in particular. What do you think?
Those velvet pants were comfy as hell, and I think I even remember the film we were promoting at the time. I really do love this photo though, and was happy to have it sent my way. If you think I have a huge vault full of my old material laying around – you’d be wrong. Keep them coming. Sending them to my Twitter account is probably the easiest way to share your favorites, and then there’s a good chance they’ll end up here.
Speaking of photos, it’s high time I added some new selections from my OnlyFans, so look forward to that in the near future. Since it’s been so long since I’ve worked on the galleries – it may be the very near future. Like, later tonight.
Love you all! Leave a comment if you’d like to say hello.
Here’s a frequently asked question I definitely don’t mind talking about: who are my favorite female 90s porn stars? Better yet, who are my favorites that I actually filmed with? I’ve gotten so many inquiries on the subject recently that I think it deserves a two-part series.
90s ladies I was lucky enough to work with, and…
A few that I wish I’d gotten the chance to work with.
My Favorite Actual Female Co-Stars Over the course of my comparatively short career, let’s just say… looking back, I got lucky. I had the pleasure of working with a lot of ladies who are memorable in their own unique ways, so let’s take a trip down (a naughty version of) memory lane. Their names are linked to the films we worked on, and I’ve also included relevant links if and when I found them.
Let’s get started, and in no particular order:
Misty Rain We shared a pretty memorable group scene in 1995’s “Butt Banged Cycle Sluts”. Misty started her adult career in 1993 and was inducted into the AVN Hall of Fame in 2004.
I vividly remember her enthusiasm, pierced nipples, and willingness to make a newcomer like myself feel comfortable. I wasn’t able to find any information as to what’s she’s up to these days – but I certainly remember our time together fondly.
Misty Rain’s husband picked me up for the shoot in his white limousine. I’d never been in one before that. My guy and ride at the time was in France working for Max Hardcore as his camera man.
It’s likely Misty has put her previous career behind her, and we should all respect that. We can still enjoy the memories, though.
Sinnamon Love Sinnamon was hot personified, and we went one-on-one in 1994’s “Women of Color”, which is available to rent right here. She’s still active on Twitter and multiple other places, and I was so glad to see her active and doing so well. Visit her website to see what else she’s been up to, and please tell her Vanessa Chase says “hello”. Update: Happy to say it looks like Sinnamon saw this post!:
Bionca Released in 1995, “Sodomania 12” saw the lovely and lithe Bianca and I teaming up against an extremely lucky Joey Silvera. It’s available for rent, and the amazing Rialto Report recently did an entire podcast episode on Bionca. If you’re unfamiliar with that site – you’re welcome! Because it’s amazing.
Sometimes known as “Bionca Seven”, she was in the industry for nearly two decades and I’m sorry I only got to work with her the one time. If you see this, B, please reach out and say hello!
Debi Diamond In addition to my solo scene in 1995’s “Wanted”, Debi Diamond and I also got to share a facial from Gerry Pike in a simmering MFF 3-way.
She appeared in her first film in 1983 as Shelly Rey, and has had more than a few aliases since. She dominated in the early 1990s, when she seemed to shoot non-stop, and her performances earned her many industry awards, including induction into the XRCO and AVN Halls of Fame.
We interacted a bit recently on Twitter, and it was great to hear from such a (still) sexy former “colleague”. Don’t be a stranger, Debi!
Jeanna Fine I love Jeanna Fine, and getting to work with her in “Catwalk 2” was one of the highlights of my shortish career.
Her fit body, deep voice, acting ability and scorching on-screen persona made for a memorable group scene which also included Christina Angel, Roxanne Hall, Alex Sanders, Nick East and Tony Tedeschi.
I hear she now lives in upstate New York and is enjoying a peaceful retirement.
Juli Ashton “Butt Detective” has to be among the best/most ridiculous porn film titles of all time. I recently re-watched this online and was shaking my head at how silly the premise was.
That didn’t change the fact my scene with Juli and Nicole Lace was one for the ages. I assume she’s still involved with Juliland.com, and I highly recommend their Bobbi Starr gallery. Such outstanding photography, Juli!
P.J. Sparxx I’d heard of her, but didn’t know much about P.J. when I found out we’d be working together on 1994’s “Hot in the Saddle“.
When we met before our scene, one look at her got my juices flowing and I think the end, on-screen, result speaks for itself.
It was also great fun having Gail Force in the director’s seat. And what a great “seat” she has…
Rebecca Lord Oh, Rebecca. Where do I even begin? Our scene together in Gangbang Girl #14 is without a doubt the single-most referenced film I’ve ever made when speaking with fans. Don’t take my word for it, though – just go here.
You can even see it mentioned in multiple post comments and an article or two here on IAmVanessaChase.com. And it’s no mystery as to “why” – that was an unbelievable shoot and legendary scene. I was sore for a week.
Whitney Banks Part of a group afternoon scene shot for “Costa Rica Getaway“, also starring Kitty Yung, Marilyn Martyn, Joey Verducci, Michael J. Cox, Sean Michaels and TT Boy, my all-too brief encounter with Whitney Banks is one I’ll never forget.
I had a very hard time finding a PG-rated photo of Whitney, because it looks like her career was even shorter than mine! I hope she’s happy and doing well.
Barbara Doll Barbara and I took full advantage of having the legendary Peter North all to ourselves back in 1995’s “Nurses are Cumming 2”. Hot like you read about, and you can see it for yourself right here.
She’s French, fabulous and foxy. Here’s hoping our paths cross again someday.
Kaylan Nicole “Upbeat Love” was a fun 1995 shoot in which I had a scene featuring just me and Kaylan. The epitome of classic pin-up looks and style, Kaylan was one of the loveliest ladies I ever got to shoot with. She seems to have chosen to drift far from the public eye these days, and that’s her prerogative.
Roxanne Hall Roxanne and I shared the screen with Nick East and Tony Tedeschi in the final scene from 1995’s “Catwalk“. I remember that she was from England, and it looks like her career was a long one, going strong until about 2012. I couldn’t find any social media profiles for her, but if you know something I don’t – leave a comment.
Nicole Lace I have to double down on “Butt Detective” for my Nicole Lace memory. While I remember this scene fairly well, there’s not many references to her online these days, so I have to assume her time in the adult business was brief. And, coming from me, that’s saying something. Still, a fond memory of a lovely lady which made for a terrific scene.
I hope everyone enjoyed reading that list as much as I did putting it together. It took a long time to think through, so I hope you can forgive my posting absence for the last couple of months. I’m still back and going strong – and next plan on putting together a list of adult stars (past and present) I wish I’d gotten to work with. Stay tuned, and your comments are always welcome!
I’ve been meaning to give a special someone a huge thanks here on the blog for a while now. A couple months back I wrote a post reminiscing about my days as a Taxi Dancer. Richard, a self-described Vanessa Chase fan from way back, told me about a book called “Ask the Dust” which mentions taxi dancing and I appreciated the heads up.
Then he made me an offer in a follow up blog post comment: “If you add it to your Amazon Wishlist, I’ll make sure you get a copy.” I was flattered, did as he suggested, and less than a week later… well, see for yourself!
Richard hooked me up! And is a complete gentleman I’m now glad to know.
Richard, you’re a class act. And I’m sorry it took me so long to get around to thanking you (again) with a photo. I’ve been enjoying the book and learning more about Arturo Gabriel Bandini and John Fante’s work in general. You were right – I’m digging it.
If you see this, Richard, please drop me a line and let me know. I usually say the contact page and email is for business-related inquiries only, but for you I’ll make an exception!
I can obviously only speak for myself. But I’d imagine most women entering the adult industry (or men, for that matter) either haven’t thought about the day someone in their family “finds out”, naively hoped it would never happen – or really didn’t care to begin with. In my case it happened early, was a bit of a shock, and I think it’s worth sharing.
One morning, way back in 1995, my Father called me out of the blue. While he didn’t sound particularly upset, he did ask if he could come over to my apartment (insisting it happen that same day) so we could have a talk. There was just a little something in his tone that left me thinking it was more of a “demand”, and that I may be in trouble.
After he arrived, I was at first relieved when he told me he had a brand new pirate cable box. Because for a fleeting second I figured that was his big news. He’s a huge movie fan, I’d never heard of such a thing, and maybe he’d even gotten one for me! But then I started connecting the dots… and realized what else a pirate box was probably capable of broadcasting. “Yeah, Vanessa, you’re probably about to have a very difficult conversation” came the inevitable inner-monologue.
“Hot in the Saddle” from 1994 – One of My First Roles
Do you guys remember the Spice Channel? Well, Dad had just discovered it. And as soon as he brought it up I knew which way the wind was blowing that day. My heart sank. Because, honestly, I was 18 years old and hadn’t given the potential downside of becoming a porn star the hours (and hours) of thought it probably deserved.
“Let’s talk about Hot in the Saddle“. Obviously my Dad wanted to kick the tires on everything his new illegal set-top box had to offer, and on his first attempt at the naughty offerings obviously noticed… his own damn daughter. I was horrified, and had no idea what to respond with. While I enjoyed my girl-on-girl dalliance with P.J. Sparxx, and Gail Force was a supportive director, I had a bad feeling it was the scene with Anthony Crane which bothered him that particular afternoon. Yikes. Where do I go from here?
Honestly is often the best policy when backed into a corner. I quickly told my Dad that I liked doing porn, and that I was really good at it. Given more time to strategize, a softer touch may have been the result. He was totally flummoxed and just kind of backed away, awkwardly. “OK“, he said while walking out the door – and that was that.
“There’s something different about ya, Toby”
Then it was excruciating radio silence for what seemed like forever. A few days later I heard an unexpected knock at the door, and there he was – with the pirate box tucked under his arm. “I won’t be needing this any more“. After a brief and uncomfortable silence… we both started laughing – and he was on his way.
Years later, we talked about how I just wanted him to say “no” to me. And not just follow along with my bad decisions: like leaving the house at 16, dropping out of school, or driving him to eventually give up his parental control. Ultimately, he told me that I am “more than my actions” and “not to be ashamed of my past because it doesn’t define who I am“. So you could say, there was a silver lining.
My relationship with my father remains strong to this day and the results could have been far worse. I love him, and the way he chose to accept my choices. If anything, I feel guilty because he missed out on all the great porn he’d have gotten to enjoy if he’d just kept that damn box.
As previously reported, last night I was the JizzTalking.com podcast guest, and a great time was had by all! You can now see the full hour in it’s archived entirety (and without signing up for a Facebook group or anything) here: Vanessa Chase Podcast.
Thanks to Patrick and JizzTalking.com – What a fun experience!
I was thrilled to meet the dynamic cast of characters who showed up to chat and participate. Casey had questions about a couple of specific movies, Wayne was curious about my Aikido pursuits, Charles seemed to long for the days when my hair was shorter, Joshua was full of compliments (thank you!) – and the almighty Lynn LeMay even dropped by to say hello to everyone!
Lynn LeMay showed up to chat. Who knew?!
Joshua also asked about my plans for the future… and I let a few things slip. Namely my interest in possible girl/girl shoot on the Vanessa Chase OnlyFans – but please don’t quote me on that just yet. I truly loved meeting and speaking with you all. Classy ladies, respectable gentlemen, and how can I not mention Patrick the host with the most? Please let me know what you thought of the podcast in the blog comments, or ask me your own questions if you weren’t able to attend live.
Just before I entered the adult movie business, my boyfriend (at the time) got me a job as a taxi-dancer at a very old dancing-girl establishment in downtown Los Angeles.
A taxi dancer is, quite simply, someone you pay, on a song-by-song basis, to dance with you. According to Wiki, “The term “taxi dancer” comes from the fact that, as with a taxi-cab driver, the dancer’s pay is proportional to the time he or she spends dancing with the customer.” Remember that Tina Turner song? It’s like that.
Men would pay the other girls and I to (slow) dance. If they liked anyone especially they’d pay more to take you upstairs to a semi-private room to talk. Some guys were very polite, other guys would try to have sex with you right there on the dance floor. You quickly learned how to avoid the handsy perverts.
My very first night as a taxi-dancer, my boyfriend fell asleep and forgot to pick me up. Off to a fabulous start, to say the least. So I had to rely on the good graces of a random dance hall patron to take me home to Pasadena in his yellow corvette. He and his awesome car were, thankfully, both very polite.
A few years later I was very interested to learn that June Miller – author Henry Miller’s muse, fanatical obsession and short-lived second wife – had herself worked as a taxi dancer in depression-era New York City. Which, considering my own time as a taxi dancer, and especially what came soon after, is a very esoteric-coincidence.
Taxi dancing yesteryears.
To me, that is the very essence of what being an adult entertainer was all about. A long series of very strange events. Hope you enjoyed that memory and I look forward to any comments.
Update: Since writing this post, I actually found some Polaroids taken outside of the club in question! These are from before I entered “the biz” and I hope you enjoy them!